Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Things to Consider Before Visiting Our Cosmetic Dentistry Office

Cosmetic Dentistry
When visiting our cosmetic dentistry office, it is a good idea first to think about what you like and don’t like about your smile along with considering what goals you have for transforming it.  The better you can communicate, the more likely you will be to get the results that you are looking for.  It is important to have set ideas so that the recommendations you receive can be customized to your specific tastes and objectives.

You can always book your appointment in combination with a cleaning and dental examination.  That way your teeth can stay clean and healthy while you are simultaneously looking to improve them. Before speaking with the dentist, ask yourself these questions:

What is your availability?  It is important to understand how much time you have available to commit to dental work. This includes both in-office treatment time and recovery time.  For example, if you plan on getting married in three months you will want to have all of your dental work completed well in advance.  On the other hand if you recently retired you may have more time available to work on your dream smile.  In our cosmetic dentistry office, we want to know what your availability is so that those facts can be incorporated into your treatment plan.

How white do you want to go?  Decide ahead of time how white and bright you want your smile to be.  If you are having a teeth whitening procedure or getting dental veneers, the technician will need to know this so that your teeth don’t end up too white for comfort.

What are your major concerns?  Make a list of your major concerns or the things that absolutely must be corrected as part of the process.  Next, categorize the things you would like to have done but are not “must haves”.

How straight do you want your teeth?  Consider whether or not you are alright with a few teeth out of place or if you want them to be perfectly straight. While straight teeth are stunning, some people don’t mind slight imperfections, and this will influence your treatment options.

Do you like your gums?  When you smile, do your gums show enough or do they show too much?  If they are too large, some of the tissue may need to be removed through surgery, where if they have receded due to gum disease, they can be grafted so that the tissue can grow back.

Do you like the size and shape of your teeth?  If your teeth are too small or too large, this can be corrected using cosmetic dentistry procedures.

As a cosmetic dentist, we have many options for improving the appearance of your smile.  We can craft a stunning Hollywood-style smile or make minor adjustments so that you can still look and feel like your natural self.
Regardless of how much or how little work you want to be done, we can make your smile truly beautiful.  Come into our office with an idea of what you want so that we can make it into a reality. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Our Pediatric Dentistry Office Talks About a Common Cause For Braces

Pediatric Dentistry
In our pediatric dentistry office, parents frequently ask us about braces and whether or not their child will need them. While it is impossible to say for certain, start by looking in the mirror.  If you or your spouse have crooked teeth or ever needed braces in order to straighten them, there is a higher likelihood that your child will as well.  We understand that it is normal to want to know so that you can start saving up for braces early on.  Still, it is impossible to know 100 percent if it will be necessary. With that in mind we suggest that you take the time to understand why kids need them in the first place. 

Overcrowding is a major concern and one reason that patients end up needing braces.  Teeth can become overcrowded when baby teeth fall out too soon. Take a look at a young child.  It is very rare that you will ever see one with a crooked smile.  Baby teeth are generally straight with the occasional gap here and there. Otherwise, they look good.  The problem is that if your child gets into an accident, knocks out a tooth on the playground or gets a major infection; their baby teeth may fall out suddenly and before their time.  With this happens, the surrounding teeth start to move out of their position, crowding out the space that was left for the new adult tooth to come in.  As a result, the adult tooth can come in behind or in front of another tooth or sideways.  

In our pediatric dentistry office, we can help to prevent overcrowding by decreasing the chance of a baby tooth falling out too soon.  For this reason, we recommend visiting our office twice a year for a thorough teeth cleaning. We can remove harmful plaque and treat cavities and infections before they can spread.  By doing so, we keep teeth both healthy and strong.  Teeth that are free from infections are less likely to crack or chip upon impact.  Infected teeth, however, are likely to sustain damage during a simple accident.  This makes preventative care extremely important. We can also help by creating a mouth guard that your child can wear while practicing or playing sports. Doing so prevents hundreds of thousands of tooth injuries every year and can prevent your child’s tooth from being knocked out before it is supposed to fall out naturally.  

By keeping teeth clean, healthy and away from accidents, we can decrease the likelihood that they will ever need braces to majorly straighten their teeth.  In some cases, this requires simple preventative care while other times the intervention needs to be more active. If, for some reason, your child does end up needing braces, there are several options to straighten their teeth.  For example, some children start with an expander that widens the pallet in order to make room for their adult teeth while others use a spacer to accomplish a similar goal.  If braces, are necessary we can make recommendations and supervise the care of your child to ensure that their teeth remain in excellent health. To learn more, call our pediatric dentistry office. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Teeth Brushing Tips From Your Redwood City Dentist

Redwood City Dentist
As a local Redwood City dentist, we practice preventative care so that our patients can stay in excellent oral health and avoid common problems like cavities and gum disease.  This starts by practicing good oral hygiene at home and following it up with regular trips to our dentist office.  During your appointment, we will remove any bacteria and plaque that you were unable to reach during regular brushing and flossing.  There are, however, ways that you can increase the effectiveness of your daily health care routine.
Here are teeth brushing tips to try:
  • Start with the brush.  In order to get a good clean, you need to start with a good toothbrush.  We recommend that you use a soft toothbrush because a hard one can irritate your gums and start to strip the enamel way from your teeth.  This can lead to sensitivity and can even make your gums bleed.  
  • Three months max.  Don’t use your toothbrush for more than three months.  They start to become ineffective when you use them for too long because the bristles break and fray.  When you notice that it doesn’t look like it is in good condition or is becoming stained, make sure to replace it.  Otherwise, use the three-month rule for buying a new one or replacing the head on your electronic toothbrush.  As a Redwood City dentist office, we also give out toothbrushes at teeth cleaning appointments.
  • Keep it dry.  Your toothbrush needs to stay dry and clean.  If you go to brush your teeth and it is wet, more bacteria could be lingering on the brush itself which could make your mouth even dirtier.  Use a toothbrush holder so that it can air out during the day. 
  • Movement matters.  Your tooth brushing technique can make a difference in how clean your teeth get. Move your brush around in circles and that go from top to bottom on your upper teeth and bottom to top on your lower teeth.  This way food and bacteria are brushed away from your gums and roots. 
  • Brush it all.  Many people make the mistake of only brushing their actual teeth.  You need to brush every area of your teeth including the gum line.  Also brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth as these areas can harbor bacteria as well.  
  • Toothpaste.  Use toothpaste that has the American Dental Association seal.  We also recommend using one with fluoride because it can help to strengthen your teeth by placing minerals directly onto them. 
  • Frequency.  Brush your teeth at least twice a day, more if possible.  In the best case scenario, our patients would brush their teeth after every meal, floss daily, and use an antiseptic mouthwash.  These habits will help to prevent both cavities and gum disease from forming. 
As a Redwood City dentist, we can help you to stay in good oral health by removing the bacteria and plaque that you were unable to get with at home care.  Call today to schedule your exam. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Dentist Explains Why Your Gums Are Bleeding

You should visit the dentist at least twice a year in order to have your teeth cleaned.  If you notice that in between dental visits your gums are starting to bleed, it could be a sign of a problem.  Here are some of the reasons why your gums may be bleeding:
  • Food.  What you eat can irritate your gums.  Foods that have hard edges like tortilla chips can cut your gums and irritate them to the point that they start to bleed before and during brushing.  You also need to be careful to avoid eating too much sugar, especially candy that is also acidic.  It will irritate the inside of your mouth, create discomfort and at times, bleeding. 
  • Your toothbrush.  If you use a toothbrush with hard bristles, it may be irritating your gums and causing them to bleed. Many people make the mistake of thinking that they need to use a hard toothbrush in order to get a good clean.  The reality is that a hard toothbrush can strip away your enamel and irritate your gums. Buy a new brush and see if it helps.
  • The way you brush.  Even if you use a softer toothbrush, you may still be irritating your gums by brushing from back to front instead of brushing in a circular pattern.  Try changing the way that you brush your teeth to see if the bleeding stops. We can demonstrate how to properly brush your teeth when you visit our dentist office. 
  • Not flossing enough.  If you only floss your teeth once a month, you could end up with bleeding gums every time that you do.  Your gums may even bleed when you floss due to food and bacteria being trapped in small places, creating additional irritation. We recommend that you floss on a daily basis so that your teeth and gums can stay healthy. 
  • Gum disease.  If you have the early signs of gum disease (gingivitis) it can make your gums swell, hurt, and even bleed when you brush your teeth.  Gum disease needs to be treated right away before it spreads and causes your gums to recede or creates a larger infection.  It typically starts when bacteria becomes trapped in between your gums and your teeth and roots.  In our dentist office, we can treat gum disease by removing the bacteria and plaque that’s underneath your gums. This way they can start to heal and the symptoms will be eliminated. 
Most of the reasons for bleeding gums can be avoided by learning how to brush your teeth properly and by visiting the dentist on a regular basis. These simple changes can make a big difference in how comfortable you are and how healthy your mouth stays.  If, however, changing your brushing and eating habits don’t help – you may have gum disease.  If you think this may be the case, call and schedule a dentist appointment so that your gums can be treated immediately.  This will prevent the infection from spreading so that you can become healthy again. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tips from the Dentist for Keeping Your Teeth Healthy This Halloween

As a local dentist, we work to keep our patients’ teeth and gums in the best possible health.  This is important because by preventing cavities and gum disease, we can keep our patients feeling great and free from tooth pain.  Many parents ask us questions about Halloween candy and whether or not they should let their kids eat it.  The reality is that sugar is bad for your teeth and gums so if you do let them eat it, take precautionary measures as well. 

Here is what we recommend:
  • Brush teeth with a fluoride toothpaste.  If you brush your kid’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste, it will help to strengthen them and prevent cavities.  This makes them less likely to become infected due to an occasional candy bar.  Before going out on Halloween, brush their teeth so that they are not putting sugar onto already dirty teeth. 
  • Visit the dentist.  It is important to start with healthy teeth.  Don’t go into the holiday season with a mouth full of cavities.  Schedule an appointment for you and your kids to have your teeth cleaned and examined so that we can treat any cavities before they have a chance to cause tooth pain.
  • Eat a healthy dinner.  Before going trick-or-treating, eat a dinner that is healthy and full of veggies, lean protein, dairy products, and complex carbs.  This will help your kids to feel full so that they won’t overindulge on candy. 
  • Take water with you.  When your kids want a piece of candy, have them take a drink of water before and after.  It will help them to feel less hungry, and the water will wash away the sugar afterwards.
  • Bring healthy snacks.  You can pack healthy snacks to carry on Halloween.  If your child gets hungry, give them an apple instead of reaching into the candy bag.  
  • Limit how much they eat.  Talk to your kids before you start trick-or-treating about how much candy they are allowed to eat.  By setting a limit, you can avoid the annual sugar rush.  This is also a good way to teach them how to eat in moderation instead of overindulging.  
When you get home from trick-or-treating, ask your kids to trade their bag of candy for a toy or a gift card.  This is a good way to incentivize them to give up sugary treats in exchange for something that is just as fun, but not bad for their health. By getting them to trade, you are showing that Halloween can be fun without loading up on candy. This is one way to set healthy habits and show them that rewards don’t need to be tied to food. 

If they do eat candy on Halloween, make sure to brush their teeth afterwards.  As a dentist, we also recommend that you carry a travel size antiseptic mouthwash.  This way they can rinse their mouth and kill the bacteria without needing to be near a sink and toothbrush.  
Stay safe and have fun this Halloween!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tips for Taking Care of Sensitive Teeth from Your Redwood City Dentist

Redwood City Dentist
As a local Redwood City dentist, we treat a lot of patients with sensitive teeth. It is common for teeth to become more sensitive over time.  This can make it difficult to eat your favorite ice cream, brush your teeth, and even drink a glass of iced tea.  If you are struggling with sensitive or painful teeth, it is important to understand why teeth hurt in the first place.

Your Tooth Structure
Each one of your teeth has a layer of enamel that protects it from the elements – water, food, and air.  The area of your tooth and roots that is under your gums is protected by a layer of cementum.  These two materials are critical for protecting your teeth and preventing you from feeling pain. Underneath the enamel, your teeth are made of dentin.  There are small holes that run through the dentin to the roots of your teeth.  If you were to look at it under a microscope, it would look like someone took a pen and punched holes through a piece of paper.

Causes of Pain
When the enamel wears away, the dentin is exposed and so are the holes.  When air, food or water touch those holes, you can experience pain.  Enamel wears away through a process called demineralization so the older you are, the more likely you are to experience tooth sensitivity.  As a Redwood City dentist, we also look for signs of infection when determining what the cause of the sensitivity is.  Sometimes it can be due to a cavity or gum disease.  When this is the case, we can treat the condition so that your teeth can start to feel better.

Treatment Options
There are ways to decrease your tooth sensitivity at home.  You can start by using a desensitizing tooth paste.  This will help to reduce the pain by blocking sensations from being sent to the nerve.  Make sure that you use a soft toothbrush and brush your teeth gently.  You should rotate this with toothpaste that contains fluoride since fluoride is a mineral that will help to strengthen your teeth so that they won’t be as sensitive in the first place.  

You can also visit our Redwood City dentist office and request a fluoride treatment.  This will remineralize your teeth.  Some people also have their teeth bonded where a tooth colored material is applied to the surface of your teeth in order to seal in the dentin and prevent anything from touching it. Teeth that are infected need to be treated by having the cavity removed and a crown placed when necessary.  A crown surrounds the tooth like a cap, so this is an ideal option for highly sensitive teeth. 

If your sensitivity is caused by gum disease, you may need an in-depth cleaning or a gum graft in order to heal the area and cover the exposed area of the tooth and roots.  If you are suffering from tooth pain, schedule an appointment so that we can make sure there is no lingering and undiagnosed infection. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Everything You Need to Know About Teeth Whitening

If you want to improve your smile, teeth whitening is one of the easiest ways to do so.  This is an affordable procedure that can produce dramatic results without causing any pain or discomfort.  Many of our patients are so pleased with how their smile looks that they don’t need any other cosmetic procedures when they are done.  For example, people considering veneers are often happy enough with the results of teeth whitening that they no longer need the additional procedure. 

Our professional system produces more dramatic results than anything you can buy over the counter.  Teeth can be whitened by up to eight shades where most over-the-counter systems only whiten teeth by two.  
Here is how the process works:
  • Whitening solution.  The majority of teeth whitening solutions contain peroxide.  Peroxide can penetrate the enamel and oxidize the compounds inside of the enamel that are responsible for creating color.  After being oxidized, the molecules become colorless and whiter teeth are created.  There are two main types of peroxide that are used – hydrogen and carbamide with the latter producing more controlled results. 
  • Sensitivity.  Many of our patients want to know if their teeth will be sensitive after using these products.  If using a professional solution (given by the dentist) there should be no sensitivity or very little sensitivity because the fit will be perfect, and the solution will be applied in the correct dosage.  However, there have been reports of sensitivity and discomfort from people that have purchased over-the-counter kits or gone to a non-dentist in order to have their teeth whitened.  By visiting a dentist, the procedure will be done by a licensed doctor, rather than someone who has had no medical training.  The more experienced a dentist has, the better the results. 
  • Types of whitening.  There are several types of teeth whitening procedures that are available for you to try.  Over-the-counter whitening strips and trays are common, but they can slide off, are not a custom fit, and produce limited results.  Professional solutions can be administered in-office or in a tray that you wear at home.  If you buy the trays, they can be used at any time and will be made to fit your mouth perfectly so that there is no leakage.  Both work well so the procedure you select should be based on your schedule and needs. 
  • How white will they get?  The solution that you use will greatly impact how white your teeth become.  One of the reasons people like the trays created by a dentist is that they can control the whitening process.  Teeth become whiter over time so once you have reached the desired shade; you can stop wearing the trays.  If your teeth start to look yellow, simply wear them again. The in-office procedure produces stunning results in one sitting, so there is less control over slowing down the process. 

If you are considering having your teeth whitened, get them cleaned first. Schedule an appointment with our office so that we can remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth.  This way they will be clean and prepared for your whitening procedure. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Dentist Review of Boston University’s Coffee Study

We read a study recently and, as a local dentist, wanted to share the exciting news – coffee can help your gums to stay healthier.  Boston University conducted a study over the course of thirty years.  This is not a simple, quick study.  Instead, they spent three decades observing 1,000 men.  The men that drank one or more cups of coffee a day had less bone loss in their teeth, a common sign of gum disease.  Due to the duration of the study and number of participants, it is safe to say that drinking coffee can be good for you.

The Boston researchers also evaluated whether or not heavy coffee drinking had any negative health consequences for teeth or gums.  They couldn’t find any.  We of course, want to remind patients that drinking a lot of coffee can stain your teeth and make them appear yellow.  Fortunately, our teeth whitening services can brighten teeth that have become stained, so there is an easy solution for this.

The study was authored by Raul Garcia, D.M.D. and in his findings he believes that the reason coffee lowered the risk of gum disease and bone loss was because it is an anti-inflammatory agent.  Coffee can, therefore, reduce gum swelling.  This is important since swelling is bad for the gums and can become uncomfortable.  As a dentist, we see several types of patients that have an increased risk for gum swelling including diabetics and pregnant women.  Restricted blood flow is responsible for swollen gums in these scenarios, and drinking a cup of coffee may help to reduce the swelling.

Overall, the study is fantastic news for people that can’t resist their morning cup of java.  Caffeine does have its benefits after all.  The thing to remember is that after drinking coffee, you should brush your teeth.  Unless you take your coffee black, the cream and sugar can actually be bad for your teeth.  This is because sugar can turn into acid and attack your teeth, leading to cavities.  By simply brushing your teeth, afterwards you can get the anti-inflammatory benefits without the increased risk of cavities.

As with anything, balance is important.  As a local dentist, we remind patients that it is important to continue drinking water throughout the day because staying hydrated helps with saliva production, important for a healthy mouth.  People should also brush and floss throughout the day in order to prevent gum disease and cavities from forming.  Finally, having teeth cleaned at least twice a year will provide a final line of defense against oral health issues.  No matter how hard you try, bacteria and plaque will get trapped in between teeth, along the gums and in hard to reach places.  These regular teeth cleanings give us the opportunity to remove bacteria and plaque before they create oral health issues.  If any develop, we can identify them and provide treatment right away before they can cause oral pain.  In the meantime, consider adding a daily cup of coffee to your morning routine.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dr. Roy Provides Teeth Whitening to Brighten Your Smile

Teeth Whitening
You can have a dazzling smile with a professional teeth whitening procedure.  Dr. Roy is an expert at providing patients with both preventative dental care and cosmetic dentistry solutions.  This ensures that her patients stay in excellent oral health so that they can improve the appearance of their smile whenever they want to.

There are many reasons that teeth become dull or yellow.  Drinking coffee, tea, or eating foods that stain can create yellow teeth.  Additionally, smoking cigarettes or using chewing tobacco will age teeth very quickly.  Even smokers in their twenties may find that their teeth look decades older than they should.  Simultaneously, even the healthiest of people may lose the shine and luster of their teeth with age and time.  Fortunately, Dr. Roy can help.

Teeth whitening procedures can restore teeth to the gorgeous white appearance they had years ago.  This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make a person look younger and more attractive.  Match.com recently conducted a study where they polled over 5,000 single people across the country, and both men and women agreed that a beautiful smile was the most-attractive quality in someone they were looking to date.  This was more important than any other physical attribute or personality trait.  By simply brightening your smile, you could change your appearance and how people perceive you.

There are several options for whitening your teeth, including:
  • Whitening strips.  This is an over the counter solution that can be purchased at any local drug store.  They can be placed on your teeth after brushing and worn throughout the day or evening.  The challenge is that they can become loose and feel strange.  Additionally, they only whiten teeth by around two shades, so the results are not very dramatic.
  • Whitening toothpaste.  Using this type of toothpaste can help keep your teeth bright in between professional treatments but it doesn’t produce a strong effect on its own.  The results are more of a brightening but won’t necessarily “whiten” your teeth effectively.
  • Whitening gel.  There are two ways this can be applied – in an over the counter treatment or with a professional solution.  The over the counter treatment has several challenges.  The solution only whitens by around two shades and will commonly leak out of the trays because they don’t fit snuggly.  Professional trays are made using a mold of your mouth so that the fit is perfect.  This prevents any solution from leaking into the back of the mouth.  Additionally, the solution is stronger, so the results are dramatic and stunning. 
  • Laser whitening.  This is the latest in whitening treatments and is done in a dental office.  Whitening solution is placed on the teeth, and lasers are used to activate it for immediate results.  Teeth look beautifully white afterwards without any discomfort. 
To learn more about the various ways to whiten your teeth call and schedule an appointment with Dr. Roy.  Improving your appearance has never been easier.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Your Redwood City Dentist Can Prevent Gum Disease and Other Health Issues

Redwood City Dentist
At your local Redwood City Dentist office, Dr. Roy can treat all types of oral health issues and practices preventative care so that patients can enjoy life without interruption.  The challenge is that when people don’t have their teeth cleaned twice a year it can lead to cavities, gum disease, and other health issues.  The entire body is connected, and because of this a healthy mouth is essential for staying healthy overall.

When you have your teeth cleaned on a regular basis it allows the dental hygienist to remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth and gums.  This is important because no matter how often you brush and floss at home there are certain areas of your mouth that are difficult to reach.  Removing the bacteria helps to prevent both cavities and gum disease.  If Dr. Roy identifies any health issues, a treatment plan will be created so that you can stay in optimal health.

Gum disease is a major oral health issue that can impact everyone.  It typically starts due to poor oral hygiene or lack of dental care.  People who are diabetic are at a greater risk for the condition and should see the dentist more than twice a year in order to prevent health problems.  If you notice that your gums are swollen and painful or are bleeding, schedule a dental exam right away with our Redwood City dentist office.

The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis.  It is uncomfortable but not necessarily painful.  Gingivitis can make gums swell, bleed, and become red but typically the gums have not yet receded.  During a routine dental exam Dr. Roy will look for signs of gingivitis and if identified will perform a deep cleaning in order to remove bacteria from on and underneath the gums.  This procedure should be done right away because by removing the bacteria the gums are typically able to heal and the disease is reversed entirely.

If left untreated, gum disease will spread and can become painful.  It is common for pockets to develop in the gum tissue and expose the roots and structure of the tooth.  Bacteria will form in these pockets and start to attack the tooth and roots which may lead to teeth falling out or a painful dental abscess. Unfortunately, severe gum disease cannot be treated by simply cleaning it.  Oral surgery is often required in order to close up the pocket and secure the gums around the tooth once more.  While the procedure is more intensive, it is necessary for healing.

Preventing gum disease and treating it quickly if it does manifest is essential for the overall health of the body.  Most alarmingly gum disease has now been linked to the number one killer of men and women in the United States – heart disease.  Millions of people are impacted by heart disease, and it kills one out of every four men and one out of every three women.  Studies have found that 91 percent of people suffering from heart disease also have gum disease, showing a clear link between the two conditions.  This is only one example of how the health of your mouth can impact the rest of your body.  Prevent gum disease and other health issues by scheduling an appointment with our Redwood City dentist office today.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Oral Diseases During Pregnancy and the Importance of Visiting the Dentist

Visiting the dentist while pregnant is extremely important. Pregnancy affects the entire body, and the mouth is no exception since the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy have a direct relationship with your oral health as well. Having regular dentist visits is important to your overall health and quality of life when you are expecting. Most serious conditions can be averted with a little care and making sure that your dental provider knows that you are pregnant. At the same time there are some more serious oral health issue that may arise, or may be exasperated, because of the pregnancy itself. 

Hormonal increase can lead directly to inflammation of the gums or gingivitis. Because the body has an increase in the hormone progesterone, the gums can become red and swollen. When combined with the pregnancy this causes a reduced ability of the body to fight infections and can turn into pregnancy gingivitis. Pregnancy gingivitis can also cause bleeding of the gums when you brush your teeth or floss, and it is a good idea to keep your dentist in the loop to prevent any further complications from occurring. 

Dentists are very cognizant that pregnant women are also at risk for the more serious periodontal disease. When the bacteria in your mouth affects the pockets below the gum line, it can damage the fibers that hold your teeth in place. Getting treatment for periodontal disease is vital, especially for pregnant women because it can adversely affect the fetus. Women with periodontal diseases are at a higher risk for having babies with a lower birth rate than normal. 

Among the many effects of the hormonal changes due to pregnancy is a reduction in the amount of saliva that the mouth produces. This in turn can create dry mouth which can lead to additional complications and increases the risk of oral diseases. A dentist has many ways of dealing with dry mouth, once they are aware of the problem. 

Morning sickness is dreaded by women across the globe as the universal blight that comes with being pregnant. Unfortunately, in cases of severe morning sickness, the mouth is also adversely affected. Your dentist needs to be aware of servere morning sickness and vomiting because the vomiting can erode the enamel in the back of your teeth. 

A small percentage of women develop what is known as a pregnancy granuloma. This is a small growth that occurs along the upper line of your gums, can be sensitive, bleeds easily, and sometimes will develop a scab. While not necessarily dangerous, this growth can make a woman more conscious, while simultaneously affecting the way she eats and speaks. Luckily this granuloma will usually disappear after the birth of the child. 
It is important for your dentist to know you are pregnant so that you can plan out your oral health routine accordingly. With good hygiene practices, great eating habits, and a dentist looking after your teeth and gums, visiting the dentist could be the easiest of all your pregnancy doctor visits.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Diabetes and Oral Health: The Redwood City Dentist Treats Diabetic Patients

Redwood City Dentist
If you have diabetes, it is important to know that your Redwood City Dentist treats diabetic patients. As a premier family dentist located in Redwood California, we know that patients who suffer from diabetes also have their oral health affected by the disease. Dental care is critically important for diabetic patients because, quite simply, they face a higher level of risk associated with gum, tooth, and mouth health problems due to poorly controlled blood sugar levels. The less well controlled the blood sugar levels are in a patient, the higher their risk of oral health conditions and hence it is critical for such patients to experience ongoing and regular dental health care. 

There are more bacteria in your mouth than the entire population of the planet. The team at Roy Dental treats diabetic patients because we know that having diabetes means you are more exposed to those germs settling into your gums and causing additional problems like gum disease. Dr. Roy advises patients to keep their blood glucose levels under control in order to promote good overall health. If it is not under control, we will work to ensure that it does not adversely affect your teeth and gums by removing bacteria and plaque during regular teeth cleanings. For the nearly 30 million Americans that have diabetes, there is a direct correlation shown between having diabetes and an increase in the risk of contracting dangerous oral diseases like periodontist disease. 
Dr. Roy treats diabetic patients in our Redwood City Dentist office. Oral diseases can be made worse due to diabetes, something Dr. Roy can help to prevent.

Diabetics can suffer from the following:
  • Dry mouth or a lack of saliva.  Dry mouth is a very common problem for those with diabetes. This can lead to additional oral health problems such as ulcers, tooth decay, and, infections
  • Periodontitis and Gingivitis. These are two diseases which affect the gums and cause inflammation. Since patients with diabetes have thickened blood vessels, the ability of the body to fight infection due to a slowing down of the flow of nutrients and waste is exaggerated. Since diseases like periodontists disease are caused by bacterial infections in the mouth, the reduced ability of the body to naturally fight these infections can cause the infections to be more severe and occur more frequently. 
  • Thrush.  This is a fungal growth which occurs in the mouth of patients who take antibiotics frequently to fight other infections. Our Redwood City Dentist office treats diabetic patients with this condition which causes burning mouth and tongue sensations. Since the fungus thrives on the high levels of sugar in the saliva of people with uncontrolled diabetes, it can be a common and annoying problem for patients to have. 
  • Delayed healing times.  Many diabetic patients do not heal well or quickly after any surgery. The same is true for oral surgeries which may need to be performed to ensure that a patient has good oral health. An impairment of the blood flow to the site of the surgery make the healing process longer. 
For patients with diabetes it is important to find a dentist who is specifically aware of the challenges of treating a diabetic patient, so that they can provide the best possible care. Dr. Roy, a Redwood City dentist treats diabetic patients and has the experience to help you maintain the best possible oral health.